Monday, December 22, 2014

Night Terrors III, ZomBEEs, and more...

Blood Bound Books has just released their latest anthology, Night Terrors III, which includes my story, Home Care, and others from Jack Ketchum, Dennis Etchison, Steve Resnic Tem, and many more. Available currently as an e-book on Amazon, the trade paperback version should be coming soon.

It looks as if the fate of my new novel Night of the ZomBEEs (working title) will not be decided on until early next years. Its been a long road for this one as the first draft was finished in 2011, but 2015 will be the year. I hope.

I recently noticed that on Halloween an audio version of one of my stories was reissued as part of the award winning Drabblecast's new series, Drabbleclassics. Its one of my favorite episodes with host Norm Sherman doing his best Crypt Keeperish jokes, followed by a reading of my story The Box Born Wraith. And with a Drabbleclassic episode there is a discussion that follows with some very astute horror editors and fans.

Have a happy holiday and a peaceful new year.