Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Wreath of Khan part deux

Just a few quick items before the end of the year. My story "Green Eyes and Chili Dogs" has just been published in the Dark Moon Anthology, Vampires. I can't speak for the other stories in the collection, but I can guarantee that there is no sparkling in my vampire tale. Its an older story but hasn't been in print since 2005. Dark Moon also published my flash story "A Thoughtful Gift," in their flash anthology, Frightmares: A Fistful of Flash Fiction. Its a Christmas story. Sort of. Imagine It's a Wonderful Life meets Seven. Merry Christmas.

On a liter and goofier note, a while back I created a Wreath of Khan graphic to post on the Night of the Living Trekkies Face Book Page. I love to photoshop a good, or bad, pun between writing sessions, and well, someone saw the graphic, felt inspired and brought it to life, actually making a Wreath of Khan. This is Joe Regan's real life version of my graphic.

And if that isn't enough holiday nerdyness, the Geeks of Doom website posted about the Night of the Living Trekkies' holiday Wreaths. Love their site, and its always fun to be on it. Here is a link to see the whole collection on FaceBook I don't think geeky graphics help sell books, they might, but honestly, I just thought they were good clean nerdy fun.

Have a wonderful holiday and a peaceful New Year. Qapla!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Wreath of Khan

I've been in a photoshopin' mood and its the holidays so theses happened.

I have a few more in me but you can only take a pun so far.

Dark Moon Books has released FrightMares: A Fistful of Flash Fiction, which has my flash fiction piece "A Thoughtful Gift." It's a Christmas story. Well it takes place at Christmas. Dark Moon Books will also release Vampires, a collection of short stories about bloodsuckers. This anthology will feature my story "Green Eyes and Chili Dogs," one of my personal favorites.
That's all for now. Check out FrightMares on Amazon and have a happy holiday and a peaceful New Year.